01:07, 14/07/2017

New regulations of Nha Trang Cathedral and Long Son Pagada informed to travel companies

Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Tourism on July 12 organized a conference to train laws in tourism for representatives of 100 travel businesses in the province.

Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Tourism on July 12 organized a conference to train laws in tourism for representatives of 100 travel businesses in the province.


Tourists visiting Nha Trang Cathedral
Tourists visiting Nha Trang Cathedral


The attenders were trained about price posting and declaration, selling at posted prices, tax declaration, tax payment, etc. They were informed regulations of Nha Trang Cathedral and Long Son Pagoda on welcoming visitors. Accordingly, Nha Trang Cathedral receives groups of visitors from Mondays to Saturdays. The church doesn’t open for big groups of visitors on Sundays and big events. Long Son Pagada also launched regulations on manners and clothes of visitors when coming to the pagoda.


Translated by T.T