03:07, 27/07/2017

Truth in case foreign tourists insulted and threatened by bus staff

On July 26, a Facebook account posted a 2-minute video recording the scene a staff of a bus company shouting at two foreign tourists. The video has spread on Facebook with a large number of views, likes, shares and different comments.

On July 26, a Facebook account posted a 2-minute video recording the scene a staff of a bus company shouting at two foreign tourists. The video has spread on Facebook with a large number of views, likes, shares and different comments.
Bus staff denounced for his swear and threat against tourists
The Facebook account belongs to a Taiwanese person. She wrote that she bought the ticket of open bus from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City. When transferred in Nha Trang, two girls wanted side seats. But the staff of the bus company disagreed and threatened them. He threw their bags out of the door, and asked them take off the bus. The Facebook account also wrote that the tickets didn’t book a seat number for them.
A lot of comments have been made under the post. Many Vietnamese people were against the impolite behavior of the buss staff. Facebook N.T.M commented that despite what happened, the bus staff should have dominated his passions. As he’s working for tourism, it’s necessary to preserve the image for the country in front of visitors. Another comment said that it’s a regrettable and isolated case and begged for tourists’ forgiveness. Comments also hope the authority to invest the case to punish and prevent bad actions to the image of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa tourism…
Behind the regrettable case
On July 27, reporters of Khanh Hoa News contacted with the above bus company.  Le Thi My Thao, representative of the bus company, addressed us that the case happened at 8 am, July 25. A group of three tourists, including two girls, bought tickets for a tour from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, and they were transferred in Nha Trang. Their tickets were tour tickets, so they had no seat number, they only had code. When the tourists were transferred to this bus, the staff arranged them at second class bunk beds at numbers A10, B10 and C10. However, these passengers took the place of seat numbers A1, B1 and C1. The bus staff tried to explain and asked the passengers take the ordered seats, but they disagreed. One of the girl even spat in his face, which made him get angry and behave incorrectly towards them.  
The representative of the company also said that the bus was stopping at a station to arrange seats for passengers to travel to Ho Chi Minh City; so, it’s not right when people say that the bus left the passengers halfway. The case was amicably settled then. The three passengers agreed and continued their trip. After the bus had started running for a while, the above passengers said sorry to the driver about their behaviour. 
“On the behalf of the bus company, I apologize all passengers on the bus trip, visitors as well as the country’s tourism and people. Despite what happened, the behavior of our staff was wrong. We acknowledge our responsibility. We have left the mistaken staff’ s job for investigation”, the representative of the bus company emphasized.
About this case, Nguyen Van Dan, Deputy director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Transport, said that the department had caught the matter and informed Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transport because this bus company has business registration in Ho Chi Minh City. Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Transport will also deliver an official document to suggest Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transport verifying and dealing with the case legally.
Thanh Nam
Translated by T.T