11:04, 29/04/2019

Ninh Hoa: Many activities to respond to Sea Festival 2019

Responding to Visit Vietnam Year 2019 and Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa Sea Festival 2019, from 7 to 9, May, Ninh Hoa Town  will organize a lot of activities of trade, cuisine, arts, sports, etc. 

Responding to Visit Vietnam Year 2019 and Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa Sea Festival 2019, from 7 to 9, May, Ninh Hoa Town  will organize a lot of activities of trade, cuisine, arts, sports, etc. They promise to bring interesting experiences for locals and visitors.
Ninh Hoa Town has finished preparation works to join Visit Vietnam Year 2019 and Sea Festival 2019. The event will take place in Pax Ana Doc Let Resort, Ninh Hai Ward, Ninh Hoa Town. Now the organization board has arranged specific positions for activites like fair, marketing of travel companies, cuisine, traditional music show, etc.
To popularize the activities to locals and visitors, 400 banners have been hung on main streets and their organization places. Information on media also has been forwarded. Police of the town has made a plan to ensure order, security and traffic safety… Measures to keep room prices not to rise have been launched.


A view of Ninh Hoa Town
A view of Ninh Hoa Town
There are also a lot of interesting activities to repond to Visit Vietnam Year 2019 and Sea Festival 2019. On May 7, a photo exhibition on the land and people of Khanh Hoa will be held, and beach volleyball competition with 20 teams will start. In two following days, activities will be displaying and selling farm products, fisheries, handicrafts, ornamental creature, seeds, traditional food, etc.; introducing tourist products of businesses, displaying special products of cultural villages; showing films to introduce the land and the people of Khanh Hoa Province; organizing festival of cultural villages; performing traditional music instruments, organizing folk games, etc.
According to Nguyen Thanh Hoa, Vice-chairman of Ninh Hoa Town People’s Committee, through the event, Ninh Hoa Town has a desire to introduce cultural features and special tourists products with the aim to attract more tourists to Ninh Hoa. The event also will introduce potentials and advantages of Ninh Hoa Town to attract investment in tourism here. Therefore, the activities during the event have been selected carefully. 
Van Ly
Translated by T.T