03:09, 30/09/2019

Spread of Go Green movement in Khanh Hoa Province

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism has launched an environmental protection campaign on green tourism called Go Green, which calls all localities, businesses, communities and tourists to protect environmental in tourism activities.

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism has launched an environmental protection campaign on green tourism called Go Green, which calls all localities, businesses, communities and tourists to protect environmental in tourism activities.
Tourism businesses joining

Green tourism is a type of tourism that operates in a way that minimizes impacts on the environment, contributes positively to biodiversity protection, uses renewable energy, promotes natural and cultural heritage, and develops environmentally friendly products. Along with developing a variety of tourist products and improving the quality of services and attitudes to serve tourists, the issue of ensuring a green - clean tourism environment receives positive responds from a lot of tourism units.

In order to spread the green tourism movement to, it is necessary to arouse the awareness of the community, especially tourism businesses and tourists. Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa is one of the major tourist centers of the country, with a huge number of tourists (In 2018, more than 6.3 million visitors came to Khanh Hoa Province). Therefore, tourism activities may cause environmental pollution. Being aware of this, tourism department and Nha Trang City have frequently called tourism businesses to strengthen environmental protection measures. Recently, Khanh Hoa Province Department of Tourism has organized an idea contest against plastic waste in accommodations and launched to call businesses "say no to disposable plastic waste".
Nguyen Thi Le Thanh - Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Tourism expressed, “Tourism and environment are inseparable. If the environment is good, tourism will develop sustainably. Therefore, we call businesses, communities and tourists to join hands to protect the environment to protect human life, ensuring effectiveness and sustainability for tourism activities. The tourism department encourages ecotourism and sustainable tourism activities to create a green - clean tourism environment to attract tourists ".
Responding to the appeal, some businesses have started to fight plastic waste. Recently, Muong Thanh Hospitality Group has replaced plastic items in the hotel system like traws, carry-on boxes, cups, bags, etc. by items with environmental and health-friendly materials such as fabric and paper. In addition, in order to spread and encourage visitors and the community to participate in environmental protection activities, Muong Thanh has created a playground of "Plastic Transformer Challenge" (Challenge to recycle plastic waste) and post it on social networks. 
Vietravel company has encouraged employees to use cups and personal things in working places, and also sorting waste in the company. Doan Hai Quan - Director of Vietravel Nha Trang said that Vietravel is transmitting the message "Go green - Travel without litter" to all staff and tourists. The company stipulates that employees are allowed to use disposable plastic items, and advises visitors to minimize the use of disposable plastic. During tours, the company used bags with environmentally friendly materials to store waste instead of plastic bags as before. 
Recently, Vinh Hai Trade and Tourism Co., Ltd. has organized its staff and visitors to collect rubbish on the beach at weekends.


Collecting garbage to clean environment
Collecting garbage to clean environment
Towards sustable effects
The implementation of environmental protection campaign on the theme of green tourism is very meaningful. However, the tourism sector and localities need to have many solutions to make this campaign lasting. In fact, the use of disposable plastic items is still quite common. Most hotels, restaurants, cafes in Nha Trang still use disposable plastic items, especially plastic straws and plastic bags. 
According to Nguyen Thi Le Thanh, Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Tourism, in order that programs like green tourism and say no to plastic waste become long-term campaigns, it is necessary to being joined by all organizations, individuals and businesses in tourism in the province. In addition, localities in the province also need to propagandize campaigns and regulations on environmental protection better.
At the seminar on the solutions to ensure sustainable tourism development in Khanh Hoa, many delegates recommended that the authorities and the tourism sector need to forward encourage enterprises to implement environmental protection. Every year, there should be rewards for tourism businesses to perform well in environmental protection.
Xuan Thanh
Translated by T.T