05:02, 04/02/2020

Festivals and activities in tourist attractions postponed to prevent 2019-nCoV

The Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism issued a telegram on February 3 to accelerate measures against 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in tourist attractions and during festivals...

The Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism issued a telegram on February 3 to accelerate measures against 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in tourist attractions and during festivals. 
Accordingly, all festivals and activities in tourist attractions in provinces identified in the scope of the epidemic are cancelled and postponed to prevent overcrowding in wake of the coronavirus outbreak; Locals and tourists are kept informed of the notice; Inspection over the implementation of the Prime Minister’s instructions and telegram; the Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism’s documents and telegrams on measures is boosted to protect health and prevent the spread of the infectious disease in tourist attractions and during festivals.
Visitors at Ponagar Temples.
Translated by N.T