08:02, 05/02/2020

Flights from South Korea, Russia to Cam Ranh remain stable

45 flights arrived and departed from Cam Ranh International Airport on February 4, a drop of 90 flights compared with earlier...

45 flights arrived and departed from Cam Ranh International Airport on February 4, a drop of 90 flights compared with earlier, according to a representative of Cam Ranh International Airport Company.
Reportedly, before the nCoV epidemic, Cam Ranh International Airport used to handle up to 150 international flights to and from Cam Ranh on a peak day. Two-third were between China and Cam Ranh. As from February 1, flights between Cam Ranh and China have been suspended, resulting in a sharp decrease in flights to and from Cam Ranh International Airport.
However, the number of flights from South Korea, Russia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong has remained stable. Tourists from South Korea and Russia have not decreased compared to the period before the impact of the epidemic. 
Translated by N.T