03:09, 28/09/2020

Opening up potentials of community-based tourism

Khanh Hoa Province Department of Tourism has just organized a survey on the possibility of building community-based tourism model in Ninh Van commune, Ninh Hoa town. This is one of the steps to open up the potential of community-based tourism in the province.

Khanh Hoa Province Department of Tourism has just organized a survey on the possibility of building a community-based tourism model in Ninh Van commune, Ninh Hoa town. This is one of the steps to open up the potential of community -based  tourism in the province.
Interesting discovery
Community-based tourism is a type of tourism in which local residents jointly organize, manage and own to get economic benefits and protect the common environment through introducing visitors to the local characteristics like landscape, traditional culture, living, etc.
Located at the foot of Hon Heo peninsula, Ninh Van commune has peaceful life with fishing and farming. The road from Ninh Phuoc to Ninh Van along the Hon Heo mountain has beautiful scenery with blue sea and white sand in one side, and the cliff by green forest in the other side. According to tourism experts, besides large-scale resort projects, Ninh Van has potentials to develop community-based tourism. In recent years, many young tourists have come to Ninh Van to explore the life of the coastal village here.
The survey team of the Department of Tourism assessed that Ninh Van is not too far from Nha Trang, so it is completely capable of developing community-based tourism, a tourist product Khanh Hoa is lacking. Ninh Van can build community tourism around products such as fishing, diving and seeing coral, farming on a garlic field, visiting the monument of ship C235. Visitors coming here can watch the sunrise on the pier of the sea village, watch the ships returning to the port with sea products, visit the countryside market, enjoy the dishes of the sea village ... Currently, some households have homestay accommodation for rent. Many people are very excited about this idea to develop community-based tourism in Ninh Van.


A fisherman in Ninh Van preparing for sea-going trip
A fisherman in Ninh Van preparing for sea-going trip
Appropriate way
Talking with the survey team, Tra Thi Bong Sen - Chairwoman of Ninh Van Commune People's Committee shared, the potential for developing community-based tourism in the commune is quite good. However, to do this, Ninh Van needs support from the State to improve landscape and environment, upgrade road to garlic fields, repair traditional the commune’s culture house, train human resources and raise awareness for people about community-based tourism.
Concerning this issue, Nguyen Thi Le Thanh - Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Tourism said, in the tourism development orientation of Khanh Hoa, in the coming time, the province will develop more eco-tourism and community-based tourism products to supplement the main product of island tourism. Therefore, the development of community tourism needs to be promoted. Together with Ninh Van commune, in the coming time, the provincial Department of Tourism continues to survey the potential of community-based tourism in some localities in Khanh Son District, Khanh Vinh District and Dien Khanh District to consult and build Resolution on supporting mechanisms and policies to facilitate the development of community-based tourism in the province.
The development of community-based tourism products in Ninh Van as well as other localities in the province is a suitable direction for the current tourism trend. Hopefully, in the coming time, the potential of Khanh Hoa's community-based tourism will be opened up, thereby forming attractive community-based tourism models.
Thanh Nguyen
Translated by T.T