18:14, 09/07/2023

Resorts engaged in tourism promotion

Khanh Hoa Department of Tourism held a meeting with the General Managers of hotels, restaurants and resorts in Dai Dai, Cam Lam and Cam Ranh City on July 6.

At the meeting, leaders of Khanh Hoa Department of Tourism reported tourism activities in the first 6 months 2023 and the direction for tourism development in the coming time; requested tourism establishments to take part in tourism promotion programs; and invest in entertaining services in accordance with the provincial night economic growth scheme.

Khanh Hoa Department of Tourism has a meeting with representatives of resorts in Dai Dai.

In addition, Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa Tourism Association needs to access investors and managers of resorts in Bai Dai and engage resorts in providing a link to promote the destination of Khanh Hoa Province.


Translated by N.T