20:47, 25/05/2024

Khanh Son: Attracting investment to develop tourism

With many potentials and advantages, Khanh Son district is focusing on promoting, advertising, and attracting investment in tourism development.

Many advantages

In early 2024, Khanh Son received good news when the Khanh Son stone instrument became a national treasure according to the Prime Minister's recognition decision. This event has great significance for the people and local authorities. For the Raglai people in Khanh Son, the stone instrument is also a local treasure.

According to Cao Minh Vy - Vice Chairman of Khanh Son District People's Committee, beside stone instruments, the traditional culture imbued with national identity of Khanh Son mountainous district also has unique rituals and customs of the Raglai people such as grave leaving ceremony (recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2012), new rice ceremony, life cycle ritual...; many types of folk arts with epic melodies, folk songs, folk dances… The district also has a space for cultural activities of gongs and traditional handicrafts... This is an important condition for the development  of local tourism.

Along with traditional cultural advantages, Khanh Son also has cool year-round climate, diverse forest ecological environment, and pristine tourism resources... The district has many unique natural landscapes such as Ta Gu Waterfall (Son Hiep commune), Doc Quy waterfall (Son Lam commune), Ta Giang plateau (Thanh Son commune), To Hap valley (To Hap town); many meaningful revolutionary historical relics... The district also has many products that attract tourists, such as well-known delicious fruits, forest products...

Ta Gu waterfall in Son Hiep commune
Ta Gu waterfall in Son Hiep commune

Khanh Son aims to attract 22,000 visitors by 2025, encouraging people to develop homestays, with about 100 accommodation rooms. The district will focus on building a community tourism village model in Hon Dung village (Son Hiep commune), building an agricultural ecological destination in Son Binh commune; linking the development of tourist routes: Cam Ranh - Cam Lam - Khanh Son and Lam Dong - Ninh Thuan - Khanh Son. For tourist products, the district will focus on restoring a traditional festival of the Raglai people to associate cultural preservation with tourism development; organize Khanh Son fruit festival... Khanh Son aims to attract 45,000 tourists by 2030, 6% of whom are international visitors; promote the development of accommodation facilities, with about 570 rooms. The district strives to build 3-5 new eco-tourism destinations; put into operation the Ta Gu eco-tourism site and the Ta Giang trekking tour; complete investment in the pass top stop station, renovate the Son Hiep - Son Binh pine forest...; linking the development of tourist routes: Nha Trang - Khanh Vinh - Khanh Son, Nha Trang - Khanh Son, Cam Ranh - Cam Lam - Khanh Son, Khanh Son - Ninh Thuan - Da Lat, Da Lat - Khanh Son - Cam Ranh - Nha Trang. In addition, the district also focuses on improving the quality of mountain and forest ecotourism products associated with developing community tourism culture, traditional craft villages, preserving and promoting cultural values of ethnic minorities, developing typical agricultural tourism...

Focus on promoting, connecting and attracting investment

Resolution No. 09 of the Politburo on building and developing Khanh Hoa province till 2030, with a vision to 2045, orients to develop Khanh Son as a mountain and forest ecological area. This orientation is also clearly shown in the province’s Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050. Accordingly, Khanh Son will be built into an eco-tourism area, with landscape, ecological values as well as characteristic and unique culture, imbued with national identity, integrating agricultural and forestry ecological space...

To develop the potential and advantages, Khanh Son has many activities to invite and attract investors and businesses operating in the field of tourism business, especially investing in large scale tourism projects. In addition, the district also participates in connection and cooperation activities with localities in the province and some localities in the country, such as Da Lat (Lam Dong province), Ninh Thuan province, Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi... To cooperate and support tourism development in the area, the district People's Committee signed a memorandum of cooperation with Nha Trang Tourism College and Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa Tourism Association to train, foster tourism human resources for the district; support the district to develop its strengths in community tourism, eco-tourism, and resort tourism; support tourism events organized by the district; promote tourism; build and develop Khanh Son tourist products and support businesses, organizations and individuals doing tourism business in Khanh Son.

Durian is a well-known specialty of Khanh Son District.
Durian is a well-known specialty of Khanh Son District.

According to Dinh Van Dung - Chairman of Khanh Son District People's Committee, the district is gradually realizing the district's tourism development program, introducing and promoting the image of Khanh Son tourism to tourists. The district also focuses on implementing tourism promotion activities to mobilize resources and attract investors in tourism activities; connecting for development cooperation, build tours, and linking Khanh Son tourism development with localities and businesses inside and outside the province. The district focuses on calling for investment to carry out many key works and projects for tourism development.

Hai Lang

Translated by T.T