17:13, 03/08/2024

Survey on promoting community tourism cooperative model

On August 2, Khanh Hoa Provincial Cooperative Union and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development conducted a survey with consultation and guidance related to operations under the Law on Cooperatives and support for the construction of a community tourism cooperative model associated with the National Target Program on New Rural Development and One Commune One Product (OCOP) Program in 2024 in Khanh Vinh District.

The meeting.

In Khanh Vinh District, there are 10 cooperatives and 23 cooperative groups operating in the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors.

10 entities in the district have registered to participate in the OCOP Program in 2024 with 18 products. At the meeting, delegates discussed issues related to standards, conditions, and contents of building production and business cooperative models and community tourism cooperative models associated with the new rural construction program and OCOP products in 2024.


Translated by N.T